its called (IT consulting, Computer consultancy, Computing consultancy, technology consulting or business and technology services) is a field that focuses on advising businesses on how best to use information technology to meet their business objectives. In addition to providing advice, IT consultancies often implement, deploy, and administer IT systems on businesses’ behalf.

We focus on business outcomes and collaborate closely with clients to tightly couple IT and business strategy. We deliver end-to-end IT services, from the strategic road map to technology implementation. Our proven, holistic and programmatic approach helps you become more agile, more quickly.

Accenture Technology Consulting delivers solutions that span the technology spectrum

IT Strategy & Transformation

Build disciplined, effective plans that help IT deliver operational excellence and stay tightly aligned with business strategy.

Infrastructure Consulting

Improve performance and lower costs of data centers, IT networks and operations while accelerating workplace productivity.

Application Modernization and Optimization

Take your application portfolio to the next level. Create cost-efficient assets that support innovation and drive results.


Protect your information, critical infrastructures, applications and key business processes against cyber threats and enable new business initiatives and innovation, by minimizing risk.